Jul 2024
Extended Redundancy Rights for Pregnant Employees and those Returning From Family Leave
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Pregnancy or welcoming a new child should be a time of joy and anticipation, not fear over job security. That’s why recent changes in redundancy protection laws are crucial, giving parents-to-be one less worry. At Carbon, we stand ready to guide both employers and employees through these changing legal landscapes.

Since April of this year, the UK has strengthened the safety net for pregnant employees and new parents. Previously, redundancy protection during certain types of family leave offered some peace of mind. Now, it is even better. The protected period starts as soon as an employee announces their pregnancy, or begins family leave, and continues far beyond the baby’s arrival or the child’s placement for adoption — extending up to 18 months after this date.

Why does this matter?

Because during this critical time, if redundancies are necessary, employers must offer suitable alternative roles to those eligible for protection as a priority. This is not just about compliance; it’s about fairness and support during life’s major milestones.

For businesses, navigating these rules can be daunting. Mistakes aren’t just costly; they can damage your reputation irreparably. That’s where our team here at Carbon come in — our expertise ensures you handle these sensitive situations appropriately.

And to those courageous employees stepping into parenthood: know your rights. If you’re facing redundancy during this protected period, without being offered a suitable alternative role, it might not just be unfair — it could be unlawful.

At Carbon Law Partners, we believe in law made personal. You’re not just another case file to us; you’re a person facing real challenges at pivotal moments. Whether you’re an employer or an employee, our team is here to protect what matters most — not just your job or your business, but your peace of mind during life’s big transitions.

Find out more about our employment team here.

Ensure your journey into parenthood is well informed and supported every step of the way.