Pricing Information


Carbon Law Partners works as a team of advisors to fast growing, enterprising businesses and to individuals to provide legal advice. We know that our savvy clients, like you, want direct access to reputable, talented experts, like us.

We know that you want to pay the right price for the right legal support. How do we know this? Because you’ve told us and we’ve listened to what you want. You’re looking for greater efficiency, cost certainty and true value. And you don’t want to have to pay for the bits of law firms you never use.


At Carbon Law Partners, our flexible approach enables our Partners to have full choice and autonomy in how they work. This extends to pricing too. Our lawyers are not confined by the traditional approach to pricing that you’ll find in most law firms. They are not constrained by individual billing targets set by the firm. Instead, our Partners have the freedom to work with you in a way that makes sense, agreeing a pricing strategy that is entirely tailored to your needs, with the focus always on providing you with an exceptional service at a price that offers true value.

Because we don’t believe in a ‘one size fits all’ approach, our lawyers will work with you to decide on the most suitable pricing on a project by project or case by case basis. We always offer an initial free consultation, either face to face or over the phone, to establish the facts around your situation and to give you a well-considered recommendation on how to best move forward. This will then be formally documented in our Letter of Engagement for your review and agreement.


We offer a range of fee structures designed to deliver value to each client and that are tailored to the circumstances, which include.

Fixed Fees.

This is an ‘all in one’ price for a defined piece of work which will be agreed with you upfront. Fixed fee arrangements suit a variety of situations, such as commercial contract reviews, conveyancing or some types of employment matters as an example.

Retainers or Subscription Service.

Quite often our clients have a regular ongoing legal need but don’t want to carry the cost (or the risk) of employing a permanent in-house counsel,or paying hefty traditional law firm fees. We can partner with clients on a weekly, monthly or yearly basis, agreeing a set price for a given period of time on a regular basis, enabling our clients to tap into the right legal support, whenever they need it, whilst managing cost and cashflow and eliminating risk.

Hourly Rates.

When an hourly rate is more appropriate, our focus is always on transparency. We will provide you with a view of the approximate overall cost for the matter from the outset, and keep you closely updated as work progresses. We understand cost uncertainty is a pain point, so we ensure you know how much you can expect to pay ahead of time, so there are no surprises.

Conditional Fee Arrangements (CFA).

For certain cases, especially where a dispute is involved, we may consider taking on a case on a conditional fee arrangement. We will assess the case on an individual basis and make a judgement on whether this is a feasible option based on a range of factors.  As well as sharing the risk, a CFA can help ensure that a client can take their case forward when otherwise legal costs may have prevented this.

Complex Matters.

For those more complex matters, for example, in certain litigation cases, you may find we suggest a variety of fee approaches at different stages of the matter. This ensures that our pricing strategy is bespoke to your needs, offering you the best possible value.  This will always be discussed with you at the outset, or if the need changes as the matter progresses.


Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as court fees or barristers costs.  We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process.  Disbursements are always paid by you in advance of the services being provided.


We always encourage you to have a consultation with one of our Partners, so they can fully understand your situation and guide you on pricing appropriately. However, we have included some examples below which point towards our specific approaches to pricing in these areas:

If you have any questions on pricing, or would like to have a free consultation with one of our Partners, please do not hesitate to contact us.