Jun 2024
Rachel Hodges Reflects on a successful start with Carbon Law Partners
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Following on from our catch-up with Kate Walsh now it’s the turn of Rachel Hodges, another recent addition to Carbon Law Partners.

Rachel gives us her thoughts on her first few months with Carbon Law Partners and how Carbon has expanded on what she previously thought was achievable with the consultancy model.

What attracted you to join Carbon Law Partners?

The Carbon business model seemed to offer so much more flexibility than other consultant firms. They seem to have a solution for everyone to work exactly how they want to.

How would you describe your first day here?

Easy! The systems are simple to use and quick to learn and everyone is very friendly and helpful, so the transition was not difficult at all.

Can you share a highlight from your first month with us?

I happened to join during the same month as the 10-year anniversary party which was a really great evening, and it was lovely to meet so many Carbon Partners and people from the other brands Carbon works with.

How have you found the support from your team and other colleagues?

Immeasurable. The hub team provide incredible behind-the-scenes support and I’ve connected immediately with a number of other partners and created opportunities for cross referrals with them.

In what ways has working here met or exceeded your expectations?

The support that Carbon gives to ensuring the success of its partners has exceeded the expectations I had for sure.

How does your role here at Carbon differ from previous positions you’ve held?

I’ve been self-employed for a few years, so the mechanics are similar but as Carbon only works with self-employed lawyers the dynamic is very different. It’s clear that the firm’s interests are well aligned with the interests of the individual partners.

Are there any aspects of your job now that you find more fulfilling compared to past roles?

I’ve really enjoyed working with other partners. It’s great to be able to refer a client to a colleague knowing they will be provided with a top-quality service from another partner.

What are some goals you’re hoping to achieve in the next year with Carbon Law Partners?

I’m growing my team and creating relationships with some top-quality local businesses that will refer clients to us, confident that they can recommend our service.

How do you think being at Carbon will help in achieving these goals?

Carbon has a great reputation and a great network to work with already. I’ve already made a number of excellent connections.

What advice would you give someone considering a move to Carbon?

It was a difficult decision for me to uproot myself from something that was already working but now that I’ve taken the leap, I’m so glad I did. I’ve already seen improvement in my business, and I’m really excited about what I can achieve here in the long term.

Is there anything else you’d like to add about your experience so far?

Being a self-employed solicitor isn’t easy, but Carbon offers just the right level of support without micromanaging your practice.

If you would like to work with Rachel, or find out more about her see: https://carbonlawpartners.com/team/rachel-hodges/

If you are inspired by Rachel’s story and thinking about making a change yourself visit: https://carbonlawpartners.com/join-carbon/