When Carbon Law Partners was first created, the concept of a platform to grow your legal practice on was still a new one. However, we believed it had the ability to offer lawyers more freedom in the way they worked. Fast forward to now and Carbon is made up of a team of experienced lawyers, all benefiting from the flexibility that comes with a platform model. By evolving alongside the rest of the legal industry, we have created something which truly offers lawyers a difference.

Your practice has value
When one of our partners decides to retire, we encourage them to transfer their practice to another partner with Carbon. This ensures you never have to throw away capital value and you can manage your career as you work towards retirement. We call this Partner Practice Value. This is a value exchange that’s not possible in traditional law firm partnerships.

Deliver quality advice
Every law firm says they are committed to quality. But, we set our own bar. Taking inspiration from other sectors, such as elite sport, education, and financial services, we partner with an external auditor who conducts regular audits of the work done by our partners. This means that quality legal advice really is at the heart of all we do.
Carbon Law Partners is founded on equity share for all, excellence in service, and helping lawyers create a legacy for the future. With the conditions you need to flourish, you too could grow your practice with Carbon Law Partners.