Jan 2023
Is it too late to become a self-employed lawyer?

Is it too late to become a self-employed lawyer?

Put simply, no – it is never too late to embark on a law career. The fact is (whether we like it or not!) work takes up a huge proportion of our waking hours. It’s way, way too much time to spend feeling dissatisfied or wishing you could be doing things differently. We often convince ourselves that we’re too far down a long and windy career road to even think about taking a different direction but that’s just not the case. And if working for yourself – or stepping off the private practice hamster wheel – is something you’ve always wanted to try, then there’s probably never been a better time given the range of options.

If you’re an experienced lawyer who’s looking for a different career path with more flexibility and freedom then becoming a self-employed lawyer could be an excellent option for you to consider.

The changing faces of the law industry

There has been much debate about the future of the legal industry and change continues to forge ahead… but that doesn’t mean all lawyers are about to be replaced by robots (even really convincing ones with great chat). It does, however, mean clients are much more open to alternative providers for their legal advice. Time for a new dawn.


Running your own show as a self-employed lawyer

If you’ve found yourself questioning why things are done a certain way at your law firm, and whether it’s really the most efficient use of your time and expertise, then it’s possibly time to explore other avenues. Your knowledge and ability to apply the law, to help your clients solve a challenge or prevent an issue arising is extremely valuable – don’t underestimate what you bring to the table.

Running your own legal practice allows you to capitalise on this value and it’s one of the reasons being a self-employed lawyer is now a popular career route for talented lawyers looking for a legal career on their terms. Yes, it might feel like you’re leaving your comfort zone firmly behind but fortune favours the bold…


Isn’t it scary being on your own?

That’s the joy of the legal consultancy model, you’re not out in the cold at all. Self-employed consultancies mean you can move away from the trappings (and sometimes frustrations) of the traditional law firm but still enjoy the security and support of a successful business and colleagues around you. Carbon Law Partners is made up of a team of experienced, self-employed lawyers, all benefiting from the flexibility that comes with a platform model. It’s a natural evolution of the legal industry where lawyers can start up and grow their own legal practice, whether that’s just them or them and a team to support.

There are many different reasons to choose to become a self-employed lawyer. It could be that you need the flexibility because of other commitments in your life or maybe you just want to have more control over the way you run your business. Perhaps you’re frustrated with high levels of bureaucracy or politics that you just don’t have time for because it’s the legal work which interests you. Don’t carry on being a square peg in a round hole when alternatives are readily available!


Be part of the freedom revolution

Post-pandemic, many people have spent time wondering what else they could do with their careers. Work and our vocations were thrown under the spotlight when life suddenly stopped and we had time to consider whether it was really fulfilling or just a case of automatic pilot. You don’t have to throw the baby out with the bathwater though to feel you’ve made a change for the better however. It takes many years and a hell of a lot of hard work to become a lawyer – we know! But you can practise law in a different way that works better for you and your life.

Carbon Law Partners’ founder and CEO, Michael Burne, describes Carbon Law Partners as a platform and collaboration based on a shared vision: freedom. Lawyers take home 70% of earnings and Carbon’s stakeholder model allows partners to buy shares in the platform. You’re provided with everything you need to start your own business, and the ability to focus on delivering high quality legal services to your clients.


What next then?

It’s a good idea to do your research. Have a look at what a legal consultancy platform can offer you in terms of support to hit the ground running and also to grow your business once you’re established. This support covers everything from administration to keep you organised to marketing support to help you build your own brand and elevate your profile effectively to clients.

When you join a platform like Carbon you become your own boss. Our central support team gives you the foundations you need to focus on your clients and the brilliant work you do for them.

If you’re feeling ready to take the plunge – there’s no time like the present. Find out more about joining Carbon by getting in touch today.