We are on a mission. Our mission is to create and develop the conditions for exceptional people to flourish.
But, how do we know if we are making progress?
As an organisation we did not want a set of values that sounded great, but had no practical ways for our clients or our own people to “feel” what we meant.
So, we decided to focus on characteristics or qualities.
Sounds easy?
Actually, not easy at all. Through hard work, reflection, tinkering, learning and iterating we now have our Seven Qualities.
Our work has led us to understand that when we focus on these qualities we make progress on our mission.
What are qualities?
Qualities are the attitudes, behaviours, approaches that each of us exhibits in our drive to flourish. To flourish for ourselves, to flourish together and to work with our clients to help them to flourish.
How do you know a quality is present?
Just think about how you may see someone you admire. Someone you respect. You may well – even unconsciously – assess and rate their qualities as a person.
That’s what we mean and we think you understand because it’s a natural part of life. We all do it.
We use our Seven Qualities in many ways to help guide our work.
We apply them to deciding which lawyers to invite to join us.
We do the same with our staff.
We look for the qualities in the organisations we align with and who help us.
And most importantly of all we apply the Seven Qualities to the work our lawyers do for clients.
Qualities are not transient. They’re not fashionable. They are enduring; hard-wired and tough to fake.