14 Words
A business without a clear purpose has no soul.
A business with someone else’s purpose, adopted via a cut and paste, is worse.
A business with a “me too” purpose suffers from being hollow.
A business with its own purpose, a mission that has meaning, that’s a place where great things can happen.
At Carbon Law Partners we have a mighty mission and one with meaning. We have been inspired by the misfits, mavericks and change makers to strike out on our own path.
Our mission is to create and develop the conditions for exceptional people to flourish.
Every single one of these 14 words is meaningful to us. Together these words are our north star, our guiding light, our compass and provide the reason why we exist to serve.
“to create and develop” – life is ever changing so we must change too. Our work will never be complete as we strive to learn and improve.
“the conditions” – a recipe, a framework, behaviours, teams, attitudes, tools – the stuff that you need to progress. These are the conditions. Think nurture, think growbag, think chemistry, think collaboration.
“exceptional people” – each of us is unique. No two humans are the same. And, so as people each of us is exceptional. Worthy of note for our own “one in a human race” reasons.
“to flourish” – the pure joy of being your best. Success only as you can define it.
These 14 words are why we are here. Connected, we work each day with our team, our lawyers, our clients and our suppliers on this, our mission.